Yoga seminars for balanced fascia (8 units)
Anyone who has experience in yoga practice and meets the qualification requirements of the respective organizer can participate in FASZIO® Yoga seminars. All FASZIO® training courses provide an insight into the world of fascia in a topic-specific context. This can be used as an introduction to the topic of fascia-oriented training or to deepen existing knowledge.
⇒ Information & Registration
The training seminars can be booked directly with the respective organizer! Clicking on the link under „Booking“ will be redirected to the corresponding booking system. If you have organizational questions, are looking for more information about the course or need help with booking, please contact the organizer directly. Thank you!
The Revolution of the Sun Salutation – 7 Ways to Fascia Happiness
Advanced training for participants with an interest in physical activity (8 units)
Click here to read the course description and dates.
The classic sun salutation with all its variations, peppered with the 7 strategies of FASZIO® is a completely new experience of the well-known. Due to the different requirements of these 7 strategies – stretchability, elasticity, suppleness, strength, releasing, regeneration and perception – everyone has the opportunity to face their challenges and strengthen their talents, according to their individuality. Engaging in the fascial execution of this sequence makes it possible to feel new facets of one’s own movement and to enter into communication with oneself. This results in a comprehensive and varied training of the fascial network combined with a lot of fun! Of course, all elements can also be used in any (fascia) yoga class.
Contents include:
- Insight „What is fascia?“
- Presentation of the 7 strategies according to FASZIO®
- Practical unit „Sun Salutation in 7 Strategies“
Schedule overview
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Yoga Train(R)ing
Advanced training for participants with an interest in physical activity (8 units)
Click here to read the course description and dates.
The Yoga Train(R)ing will give you the strength you need.
Through Yoga you can find awareness, flexibility and mobility. Working on your power and mobility at the same time is very important for a balanced and healthy body. With the Train(R)ing you will go deeper in making and finding different needs and results for every BODY. Adapt your practice using the best prop for your wellness. Everyone has a unique type of fascia which needs to be addressed differently. Creating a three-dimensional personal capability of adaptation, promoting natural movements and finding how to get the best for your body.
Schedule overview
No trainings available at the moment.